
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month? While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same.  We have compiled some information for you to help understand breast cancer better.

Facts About Breast Cancer In The United States

  • One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
  • Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.
  • Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women.
  • Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die.
  • Although breast cancer in men is rare, an estimated 2,150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 410 will die each year.

A Global Burden

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each year and affecting countries at all levels of modernization.

Good News About Breast Cancer Trends

In recent years, perhaps coinciding with the decline in prescriptive hormone replacement therapy after menopause, we have seen a gradual reduction in female breast cancer incidence rates among women aged 50 and older. Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1990, in part to better due to screening and early detection, increased awareness, and continually improvingtreatment options.
We hope you found this information helpful! Please plan on scheduling a yearly mammogram to help keep yourself healthy!!  
Sometimes it is hard to think about your health and the possibility that it may change for the worst one day. But the thing is, we never know what curve balls life is going to throw our way. NOW is the time to make sure you have proper life insurance in place to protect your family in the event that your health may in the future decline. Because once your health is bad, getting life insurance is almost impossible. So please call us today so we can get you a quote. It's easy and will only take you  min! 
Casey Kucket Allstate Agency
307-786-2886 * 307-789-1541 * 307-875-7544

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Volunteering in the Community

This week Casey and Bill were able to go and volunteer  at a local charity that was started by a young local high school girl. Evanston Hungry Children Backpack Program is an amazing service to kids in the Evanston community! Each week volunteers pack over 150 bags of food to send home with Elementary kids so they have access to a meal and snacks over the weekend until Monday school week rolls around. All funds for the food are by donations and small grants. The program is a month and a half in the school year and already spent $10k! 

We encourage everyone who needs something to do to please go and volunteer, they appreciate any help they can get. 
You can follow their Facebook page,
Find out when they are in need of volunteers and/or donations. 

We will be drumming up some fundraiser ideas so we can help to give back to our community and support this amazing charity!  

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

ALWAYS check- in with your Agent

We have said it before and we will keep saying it (because it's that important!), it is extremely important to make sure you check-in with your Agent at least once a year for an annual policy review. Don't just take our word for it, here is what an Allstate Agent in Kansas says about the importance of annual reviews. 

"Many homeowners purchase an insurance policy when they first move in, but they may not understand the importance of periodically reviewing it or reassessing their needs. It's an oversight that can ultimately lead to a gap in their coverage. 

For instance, you may have insured your home for $200,000 when you first bought it. A decade later, your home may cost $300,000 to rebuild. That's a $100,000 gap in coverage—which could leave you without the proper resources to rebuild in the event of a loss. 

A home renovation or upgrade is another reason you may want an insurance review. It can help ensure that your home and belongings are fully protected, and that your coverage is keeping up with your current needs. Everything from new furniture to a kitchen upgrade can affect the value of your family's home, and may even qualify you for additional discounts on your insurance policy. 

One way to evaluate your needs is to conduct a home inventory, a detailed catalog of all your possessions. There are tools and even smartphone home inventory apps, like Digital Locker, that can streamline the process."

As Agents, we understand that customers will shop around for "better rates". Some things to keep in mind while you are shopping is to make sure you know your current coverage inside and out. If you have been having your Annual Reviews with your agent you should know the coverage's and discounts that you are currently getting. A better price sometimes mean less coverage, yikes! 

We recommend that you ALWAYS check with your Agent before you start shopping and most defiantly before you switch to another insurance company. More often then not there are discounts that have not been applied to your policy that could save you money so you can stick with your current company. If you have shopped around and you are thinking about changing your company it is ALWAYS recommended that you bring a copy of that quote into your existing Agent so they can review it with you and make sure you are keeping the best coverage possible for your family. 

As Agents, we strive to not only provide you with great insurance coverage and excellent customer service, but we ALWAYS do what is in the best interest of our customers. 

When you find an Agent that you are comfortable with, utilize them! They work for you :) 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Uinta Valley Plaza Anniversary

Time flies when you are having fun. It's true, we can't believe that it has already been 1 year since our Bridger Valley office moved into their new building. We have had so much fun building new memories with our customers over this past year!

Lets take a walk down memory lane..... 

We started this year with the open house and 1st annual Chalk our Block event!

It was so fun to see how much talent we have in this Valley by so many young kids. This event was the perfect way to celebrate the opening of the new building. It was also a great way to get to know the new "neighbors", Big County Properties who are renting the office space next to Allstate. 

October brought some really fun things to the building. 

The Hunting Contest:

Our customers LOVE this one. Upload a picture of your hunt and win a prize! We also love to see so many of our customers participating and having fun! 

Our Annual customer Halloween Costume contest and Trick or Treating at the office. So many fun costumes and happy kids! 

This year we also had our first ever Agency costume contest. This was probably one of the funnest days at work! We had Mayhem and his Allstate Cheerleader, Zombie Bride, 2 Flapper girls and the winners of the contest a Scuba Diver and her Mermaid! 

December came with another year of Christmas on Us. We had more kids then we could have ever hoped for. With the help of local businesses we were able to give over 70 kids Christmas. It is a very emotional day to see so many happy smiling faces. We can't wait for this year! 

We hope that everyone had a chance go come and see the Christmas lights! It was so fun to have them programmed to the music. 

We had some fun throwing a Casey a surprise birthday party! It took a lot of tricking to get her to the office and she probably almost had a heart attach when she thought all of her employees had called in sick that day.... It was the perfect birthday surprise! 

What could be a better week then our customer appreciation week! We went around the communities in Bridger Valley, Evanston and Green River doing Random Acts of Kindness! You would be surprised at how many people think you are joking when you show up to pay for their groceries! 

Easter came with another successful Easter Egg Coloring Contest. This is another really popular event with our customers! We are always so blown away with the talent and creativity we see each year! Its so hard to pick a winner!

Lots of training for the Agency happened this last year! Even when we are working we have a blast. There is nothing better then learning how to better take care of our customers!

Lets not forget the birth our of newest and cutest Agency Mascot... Baby Enzo! 

We hope that you enjoyed the walk down memory lane as much as we did. Keep checking our blog for all of the upcoming events. As you can see, we have a blast! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Life Insurance Awareness Month

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Did you know that more then 40% of Americans do not have life insurance? This is according to the 2015 Insurance Barometer Study by Life Happens and LIMRA.  That is why each September the insurance industry brings awareness to Life Insurance as a reminder of the INVALUABLE role that life insurance plays to the American family. 

Life insurance can be a hard subject to talk about, or so many people may believe. Instead of looking at the subject with dread, depression and anxiety, just remember;
  It's not about you, it's about THEM. 

As Insurance Agents one of our biggest fears is having the widowed mother of 3 small children walk into the office and say "Please tell me you had a life insurance policy on my Husband." Having to tell that young mother, is who grieving the lose of her husband, No; that will haunt us forever. It's a harsh reality for a family who has lost the main income, because unfortunately the bills keep coming no matter how long you take to grieve. 

Have you ever given a thought to the stay at home mother or father? It is also extremely important to have a policy in place for them as well. They may not bring in the "money" but what price would you put on everything else they do on a daily basis?

* Taxi service
* Housekeeper/Maid
* Daycare/Babysitter
* Cook
* Dog walker
*Loving the children unconditionally (Priceless)
The list could go on. Have you second guessed your decision to not purchase life insurance yet? 

We wanted you to be aware of the main excuses that we hear daily as to why people don't want to have the life insurance conversation. In the bullet points we have some great responses we hope will make you think twice about putting off looking into life insurance. 

1. I can't Afford life Insurance: 
  • How much money do you spend each month on cable, cell phone bills, and coffee? Many people spend much more on those things then they would spend on life insurance.
  • Imagine how hard it would be for your family to pay the bills without your salary.
2. I have Life Insurance through work:
  • It is important to know how much coverage you currently have through your employer to make sure it is enough to sustain your family after you pass.
  • If you change jobs or retire, it may be difficult to find an individual policy at an affordable rate, especially if your health has changed.
  • With group insurance, the healthy people end of subsidizing the unhealthy people. When you purchase your own policy you pay premium based on your own health, not everyone else's.
3. I will take care of that later:
  • Buying life insurance when you are young and healthy can save you a lot of money over time. The younger you are the lower the rate! 
  • Life insurance is like a parachute. If you don't have it when you need it- it may be to late to buy it. 
4. Life Insurance is too complicated:
  • Insurance agents are her to help. Life insurance is important and we want to make sure you understand it before you make any decisions.
  • We can walk yo through the entire process to make sure everything makes sense.

If you don't remember anything else, remember this:  
The excuses you give to your agent today will sound ridiculous to your widow tomorrow. 

In today's society it seems like everything has a value. 

Car- $30,000
House- $300,000
Boat- $15,000

Why would you make sure to have insurance on your car, home and toys but not protect your most priceless possession?

Allstate has some really great life and retirement products that are extremely affordable. Please call us today to book your Life Insurance appointment. 

307-786-2886 * 307-789-1541 * 307-875-7544

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Home Property Inspections

Did you know that when you secure home insurance the insurance company will do an exterior home inspection. Most insurance companies do this. Sometimes it can be confusing on what the inspectors are looking for during the inspection. In a nut shell, the insurance company wants to make sure that the property has been maintained and taken care of. 

We wanted to make you aware of things to look for when you are purchasing a new home or just securing insurance. Below are just a few things that we see a lot. Keep in mind that this is NOT A COMPLETE LIST and there are many things that the inspector will look for to make sure the property is an insurable risk. 

  • Broken windows or boarded up window
  • Heavy dry rot
  • Peeling Paint (20% or more of the dwelling)
  • Roof
    • Missing Shingles
    • Curling or lifting shingles
  • Damaged siding
    • Missing sections
    • holes 
  • Fence
    • Missing sections
    • Leaning or falling down
  • Detached structure is in good condition
    • Roof
    • paint
    • dry rot
    • siding
  • Trampolines
    • Un-netted in an unfenced yard (if in a rural area with-out neighbors this does not apply)
    • In disrepair- broken springs, torn fabric
    • Positioned next to objects that can be used to jump off
    • Positioned next to a potentially dangerous object.
  • Trees 
    • Limbs that are laying on or touching the home or neighbors roof
  • Steps/Porch 
    • If porch is higher then 48" it will need a railing 
    • Steps taller then 36" need a railing
    • Leaning, crumbling or rotting
Also, Keep in mind that the insurance company will always give you ample time to make any repairs and still make sure you have coverage on your home! 

These are just a quick summary of some of the major things that will be checked during the inspection. This inspection is free of charge to you and will be completed at the start of your homeowners policy. It can also be done randomly throughout the life of your policy. We hope that this give you a better idea of what to expect when you are securing your homeowners policy. 

Please contact us with any additional questions. We would love to answer any questions! 

307-786-2668 * 307-789-1541 * 307-875-7544

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Avoiding First Year of College Kiss of Debt

Can Summer really be over? It seems like it just started and now we are already getting the school supplies ready and shopping for those new school clothes! It is coming fast, whether we are ready or not.

It can be scary for a young adult, fresh out of High School, looking out on their future. This first step for some is College. Aw, the reality of being a broke college student, living off of nothing but Ramon Noodles and Pizza. It can be a hard step to take. We want to make sure that all of you young adults are prepared to start making good financial decisions that will effect the rest of your lives.  So here are a few tips from Credit Donkey to help you embark on your new journey! 

Credit Donkey offers six ways to get through college while minimizing the amount of debt you take on, starting with your freshman year:

1. Reduce your tuition: Your biggest expense in college will most certainly be the cost of your tuition, but fortunately, there are ways to reduce the amount you pay out of pocket. These options extend beyond traditional scholarships and financial aid, too. Be creative in how you look at college funding. Consider community colleges, international universities and accelerated degree programs, and watch the price of your degree go down.
2. Be smart about your finances: Learn the basics of finance in addition to the curriculum of your major. According to U.S. News & World Report, most students leave high school without a fundamental understanding of lending and borrowing. One of the most important concepts, especially with regard to debt and borrowing, is compound interest. If you don’t understand how the concept works, you could find yourself buried in debt.
3. Choose the right credit (or debit) card: Most college students probably don’t have much experience with credit or credit cards, but find them useful for managing their expenses. However, it’s vital that you do research to determine which student credit card is best for you. Secured, unsecured and prepaid debit are three types of cards to consider, and each one has unique advantages and disadvantages.
To avoid excessive debt, you may want a low credit limit, or you may want to skip credit altogether and go with acredit donkey logo debit card that works more like a checking account. But before you get to the point of choosing a card, make sure you have a full understanding of common credit card terms like APR, grace period, and balance transfer.
4. Make the most of your summers: When classes let out in May or June, don’t head straight for the beach. Getting a job or a paid internship will not only increase your chances of securing employment once you graduate; it can also provide you with money to put toward tuition, textbooks, or supplies to limit (or eliminate) extra borrowing.
5. Always pay your bills on time: You probably have a lot more on your mind than your bills, but if you don’t stay on top of your due dates, you will pay in the long run. Missed credit card payments, for example, can stain your credit history, which future lenders could hold against you by charging you higher interest rates or not lending to you at all. Car lenders, landlords, and even employers may look at your credit score, so be sure you do your best to keep it clean. Set up a weekly or monthly budget so that you don’t overspend and can manage all your bills.
6. Shop smart: While college requires some essential purchases, you don’t need to go crazy. Purchase a refurbished laptop instead of a new one, shop around for the best deal on your textbooks (look outside the college bookstore and check out online sites that offer used books), and take advantage of student discounts.
Starting college doesn’t mean you need to start building a pile of debt. Follow the above tips and you’ll find yourself graduating with a degree in financial savvy – and you won’t have gone into debt to earn it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Christmas in July?

Christmas in July? Could it really be? 

Ok, maybe not exactly Christmas but SNOW?!? We were shocked to hear that Montana, Wyoming and Idaho received snow this week. 

Article from the Washington Post Says: 
On Monday, an unusually intense cold front — which forecasters described as “exceptional” — swept through the northern Rockies. The front set the stage for a rare July snow event that deposited up to several inches at above 8,000 feet elevations in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.
“This pattern should not happen in July,” commented the National Weather Service (NWS) forecast office in Billings, which is bracing for its “windiest July day ever” in the front’s wake.
As the front blew through, it also triggered severe thunderstorms, including a possible tornado that destroyed seven camper trailers in the Bighorn mountains, according to the NWS forecast office in Riverton, Wyo.
Although this particular snow event produced more snow in more areas than normal, very light amounts of snow are not uncommon at very high elevations in parts of the northern Rockies in July. Montana has at least one reporting station, Mystic Lake (elevation of almost 8,000 feet) in the southern part of the state, that averages 0.1 inches snow in July.
Now we all know how unpredictable the Wyoming weather can be and it's important to take the steps to be prepared for anything. Even winter in July! Follow the link below to see just how Allstate can help you to make the proper preparations to weather proof your home.
We may not like the snow blistering through our nice warm summer, but we can be thankful it reminded us of what we need to do to prepare for the real winter that is just around the corner. 
Merry Christmas??

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

4 Survival Skills for Everyday Life

Lets face it, we all live extremely busy lives and sometimes the small things that happen in our daily lives can really upset us if we are not prepared. We wanted to share just 4 tips to help make your life just a little easier and possibly avoid any major problems! 

1. Lower Fridge Temp Before A Power Outage:

Living in this small community we experience a lot of random power outages that are impossible to prepare for. But when you get the notice from the electric company of scheduled power outages you can prepare to make sure that your food does not go bad. It is also a good idea to keep an eye on the weather forecast and when a large storm is coming through you can also make sure to lower that temp down, just in case! A full freezer can last up to 2 days without power, but the food in a fridge will start to go bad with in 4 hours. Once the power is restored just make sure.

2. Invading Pests: Look At Things From Animal Eye Level:

Lets face it we have all had, sometime in our life, a problem with pests. It is important to check the perimeter of your home and yard closely, as if you were an animal invader. Look for holes around the foundation that pests can enter. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, any opening larger than a quarter of an inch should be sealed up. Be sure to check out areas around porches, decks and even window air conditioning units. And don’t forget to look up. Animals can scale walls and trees, so trim those tree branches by the house; that way, they can’t use them as pathways into your home. We all know that if we are not careful these pests can become a serious problem!

3. Random Injuries: Honey Is A Sweet Salve For Treating Scrapes:

The next time someone has a minor boo-boo, reach for the honey. The National Center for Biotechnology Information says it’s a great natural germ killer and antiseptic for cuts and scrapes because it contains hydrogen peroxide. The thick, viscous nature of honey also forms a natural barrier and even helps prevent scarring, too. And on top of all that, it can even work on antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA.

4. Darkness: LED Flashlights Last Longer:

If your power goes out, battery-powered LED flashlights and lanterns are a good idea because they last six to 10 times longer than incandescent models, according to It’s also smart to get some of those LED puck lights that are typically used for under-cabinet lighting. They run on batteries and can be placed in bathrooms, bedrooms and hallways. 

It is always better to be prepared and ready for what life is going to throw at you! 

It's a Jungle out there... are you ready? 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Does Home Insurance cover floods?

You don't have to live in a high-risk flood zone to be affected by a flood. Floods and flash floods can occur anywhere, even in the desert. Just an inch of water can cause damage to your property. In fact, in the U.S., flood related losses cost people more then a billion dollars a year. 

We have witnessed just how devastating a flash flood can be just within the last couple of days. The town 60 miles east of us, Rock Springs, Wy, was hit with a flash flood. So many people have lost almost everything they own. As an insurance agent it is heart breaking to see. Here are just a few photos of the damage done this week in Rock Springs.

Did you know that damage caused from a flood is not covered under your home insurance policy? Even minor incidences, for example, leaving your sprinkler on all night and your basement floods, or ground water seeping into the basement is not covered by your home policy. 

Did you know that Allstate offers flood insurance? Here are a few points and tips to keep you informed about the importance of having flood insurance to make sure you are protecting yourself. 

The Benefits Of Flood Insurance.

Though the government determines flood insurance coverage and premiums, you can still purchase your flood policy through Allstate—even if you don't have an existing property policy with us. So why choose Allstate for flood insurance? Because it gives you access to invaluable features and benefits, like:
  • 24/7 nationwide claims support and assistance
  • A dedicated agent who can help you understand your flood coverage
  • Assistance finding discounts to help you maximize your savings

Fast Facts About Claims And Coverage.

Understanding your flood risk and what flood insurance typically protects can help you choose coverage that meets your needs. Here are some facts you should know:
  • The average flood loss is $38,0002.
  • Nearly 25 percent of all flood insurance claims come from areas not considered high risk1.
  • There is a waiting period before your flood insurance policy goes into effect, typically 30 days from the application and premium payment date2.
  • If flood insurance is required for your mortgage loan, you may not have to wait 30 days. Usually, the loan closing date will be the effective date3.
  • Flood insurance can help protect you even if a federal disaster isn't declared.
  • Less than 50 percent of all flooding incidents are awarded a Federal Disaster Assistance declaration4, and most disaster assistance is provided in the form of a loan that must be repaid with interest5.

Protect Against Other Types Of Water Damage.

Most flood insurance policies and basic property insurance policies do not cover water backup damage. This type of damage is typically caused by water that overflows from a sump pump or backs up through sewers or drains.

Even A Little Water Can Cause Big Damage.

Flood insurance coverage can help you protect your property and your belongings. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) determines coverage and premiums, but when you purchase a flood policy from Allstate, you'll get the support of a knowledgeable agent and service you can count on.
A flood insurance policy can help protect your house, condo, apartment, mobile home or even your business. Most flood insurance policies can include three types of coverage: building coverage, contents coverage and replacement cost coverage. Each of these coverage options offers different kinds of protection.
  • Building coverage
    This protects the physical structure of your home or non-residential property.
  • Contents coverage
    This covers your belongings—the items inside your home. Some examples include clothing, furniture, microwaves and grills.
  • Replacement cost coverage
    This coverage helps reimburse you for the cost of replacing your home. Replacement cost coverage is only available to owners of single-family, primary residences that are insured to within 80 percent of the total replacement cost1.
Your flood insurance could also help cover the cost of items, like sandbags, used to protect your property from the imminent danger of a flood. Contents coverage and replacement cost coverage is not included in all polices. Be sure to talk to an agent to understand what is covered and what isn't.

Learn About Flood Insurance Limits.

An insurance limit is the highest amount your policy will pay for a covered loss. If you have damage or losses over the amount of your policy limit, you are responsible for those costs. The NFIP offers the following maximum limits for most flood insurance policies:
  • Building coverage can typically insure your residential building's structural elements up to $250,000, or your non-residential building at up to $500,0002. Replacement coverage may be available for single-family, primary residences.
  • Contents coverage can typically insure your belongings at up to $100,000 for residential policies and up to $500,000 for non-residential policies2. Contents are covered for actual cost value, which is the value of the item at the time it's lost—not the item's purchase price. Replacement cost coverage is not available for contents.

We hope that you found this information helpful. Please contact us to learn more about flood insurance and how you can get your policy going today. 

Don't wait till it's too late!