
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Uinta Valley Plaza Anniversary

Time flies when you are having fun. It's true, we can't believe that it has already been 1 year since our Bridger Valley office moved into their new building. We have had so much fun building new memories with our customers over this past year!

Lets take a walk down memory lane..... 

We started this year with the open house and 1st annual Chalk our Block event!

It was so fun to see how much talent we have in this Valley by so many young kids. This event was the perfect way to celebrate the opening of the new building. It was also a great way to get to know the new "neighbors", Big County Properties who are renting the office space next to Allstate. 

October brought some really fun things to the building. 

The Hunting Contest:

Our customers LOVE this one. Upload a picture of your hunt and win a prize! We also love to see so many of our customers participating and having fun! 

Our Annual customer Halloween Costume contest and Trick or Treating at the office. So many fun costumes and happy kids! 

This year we also had our first ever Agency costume contest. This was probably one of the funnest days at work! We had Mayhem and his Allstate Cheerleader, Zombie Bride, 2 Flapper girls and the winners of the contest a Scuba Diver and her Mermaid! 

December came with another year of Christmas on Us. We had more kids then we could have ever hoped for. With the help of local businesses we were able to give over 70 kids Christmas. It is a very emotional day to see so many happy smiling faces. We can't wait for this year! 

We hope that everyone had a chance go come and see the Christmas lights! It was so fun to have them programmed to the music. 

We had some fun throwing a Casey a surprise birthday party! It took a lot of tricking to get her to the office and she probably almost had a heart attach when she thought all of her employees had called in sick that day.... It was the perfect birthday surprise! 

What could be a better week then our customer appreciation week! We went around the communities in Bridger Valley, Evanston and Green River doing Random Acts of Kindness! You would be surprised at how many people think you are joking when you show up to pay for their groceries! 

Easter came with another successful Easter Egg Coloring Contest. This is another really popular event with our customers! We are always so blown away with the talent and creativity we see each year! Its so hard to pick a winner!

Lots of training for the Agency happened this last year! Even when we are working we have a blast. There is nothing better then learning how to better take care of our customers!

Lets not forget the birth our of newest and cutest Agency Mascot... Baby Enzo! 

We hope that you enjoyed the walk down memory lane as much as we did. Keep checking our blog for all of the upcoming events. As you can see, we have a blast! 

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