
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

ALWAYS check- in with your Agent

We have said it before and we will keep saying it (because it's that important!), it is extremely important to make sure you check-in with your Agent at least once a year for an annual policy review. Don't just take our word for it, here is what an Allstate Agent in Kansas says about the importance of annual reviews. 

"Many homeowners purchase an insurance policy when they first move in, but they may not understand the importance of periodically reviewing it or reassessing their needs. It's an oversight that can ultimately lead to a gap in their coverage. 

For instance, you may have insured your home for $200,000 when you first bought it. A decade later, your home may cost $300,000 to rebuild. That's a $100,000 gap in coverage—which could leave you without the proper resources to rebuild in the event of a loss. 

A home renovation or upgrade is another reason you may want an insurance review. It can help ensure that your home and belongings are fully protected, and that your coverage is keeping up with your current needs. Everything from new furniture to a kitchen upgrade can affect the value of your family's home, and may even qualify you for additional discounts on your insurance policy. 

One way to evaluate your needs is to conduct a home inventory, a detailed catalog of all your possessions. There are tools and even smartphone home inventory apps, like Digital Locker, that can streamline the process."

As Agents, we understand that customers will shop around for "better rates". Some things to keep in mind while you are shopping is to make sure you know your current coverage inside and out. If you have been having your Annual Reviews with your agent you should know the coverage's and discounts that you are currently getting. A better price sometimes mean less coverage, yikes! 

We recommend that you ALWAYS check with your Agent before you start shopping and most defiantly before you switch to another insurance company. More often then not there are discounts that have not been applied to your policy that could save you money so you can stick with your current company. If you have shopped around and you are thinking about changing your company it is ALWAYS recommended that you bring a copy of that quote into your existing Agent so they can review it with you and make sure you are keeping the best coverage possible for your family. 

As Agents, we strive to not only provide you with great insurance coverage and excellent customer service, but we ALWAYS do what is in the best interest of our customers. 

When you find an Agent that you are comfortable with, utilize them! They work for you :) 

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