
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Volunteering in the Community

This week Casey and Bill were able to go and volunteer  at a local charity that was started by a young local high school girl. Evanston Hungry Children Backpack Program is an amazing service to kids in the Evanston community! Each week volunteers pack over 150 bags of food to send home with Elementary kids so they have access to a meal and snacks over the weekend until Monday school week rolls around. All funds for the food are by donations and small grants. The program is a month and a half in the school year and already spent $10k! 

We encourage everyone who needs something to do to please go and volunteer, they appreciate any help they can get. 
You can follow their Facebook page,
Find out when they are in need of volunteers and/or donations. 

We will be drumming up some fundraiser ideas so we can help to give back to our community and support this amazing charity!  

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