
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Christmas in July?

Christmas in July? Could it really be? 

Ok, maybe not exactly Christmas but SNOW?!? We were shocked to hear that Montana, Wyoming and Idaho received snow this week. 

Article from the Washington Post Says: 
On Monday, an unusually intense cold front — which forecasters described as “exceptional” — swept through the northern Rockies. The front set the stage for a rare July snow event that deposited up to several inches at above 8,000 feet elevations in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.
“This pattern should not happen in July,” commented the National Weather Service (NWS) forecast office in Billings, which is bracing for its “windiest July day ever” in the front’s wake.
As the front blew through, it also triggered severe thunderstorms, including a possible tornado that destroyed seven camper trailers in the Bighorn mountains, according to the NWS forecast office in Riverton, Wyo.
Although this particular snow event produced more snow in more areas than normal, very light amounts of snow are not uncommon at very high elevations in parts of the northern Rockies in July. Montana has at least one reporting station, Mystic Lake (elevation of almost 8,000 feet) in the southern part of the state, that averages 0.1 inches snow in July.
Now we all know how unpredictable the Wyoming weather can be and it's important to take the steps to be prepared for anything. Even winter in July! Follow the link below to see just how Allstate can help you to make the proper preparations to weather proof your home.
We may not like the snow blistering through our nice warm summer, but we can be thankful it reminded us of what we need to do to prepare for the real winter that is just around the corner. 
Merry Christmas??

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