
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

4 Survival Skills for Everyday Life

Lets face it, we all live extremely busy lives and sometimes the small things that happen in our daily lives can really upset us if we are not prepared. We wanted to share just 4 tips to help make your life just a little easier and possibly avoid any major problems! 

1. Lower Fridge Temp Before A Power Outage:

Living in this small community we experience a lot of random power outages that are impossible to prepare for. But when you get the notice from the electric company of scheduled power outages you can prepare to make sure that your food does not go bad. It is also a good idea to keep an eye on the weather forecast and when a large storm is coming through you can also make sure to lower that temp down, just in case! A full freezer can last up to 2 days without power, but the food in a fridge will start to go bad with in 4 hours. Once the power is restored just make sure.

2. Invading Pests: Look At Things From Animal Eye Level:

Lets face it we have all had, sometime in our life, a problem with pests. It is important to check the perimeter of your home and yard closely, as if you were an animal invader. Look for holes around the foundation that pests can enter. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, any opening larger than a quarter of an inch should be sealed up. Be sure to check out areas around porches, decks and even window air conditioning units. And don’t forget to look up. Animals can scale walls and trees, so trim those tree branches by the house; that way, they can’t use them as pathways into your home. We all know that if we are not careful these pests can become a serious problem!

3. Random Injuries: Honey Is A Sweet Salve For Treating Scrapes:

The next time someone has a minor boo-boo, reach for the honey. The National Center for Biotechnology Information says it’s a great natural germ killer and antiseptic for cuts and scrapes because it contains hydrogen peroxide. The thick, viscous nature of honey also forms a natural barrier and even helps prevent scarring, too. And on top of all that, it can even work on antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA.

4. Darkness: LED Flashlights Last Longer:

If your power goes out, battery-powered LED flashlights and lanterns are a good idea because they last six to 10 times longer than incandescent models, according to It’s also smart to get some of those LED puck lights that are typically used for under-cabinet lighting. They run on batteries and can be placed in bathrooms, bedrooms and hallways. 

It is always better to be prepared and ready for what life is going to throw at you! 

It's a Jungle out there... are you ready? 

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