
Monday, June 13, 2016

Holy Hail!!!

Green River got pounded with large Hail over the weekend!  Best Wishes to all those who are trying to recover from the damage.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Ticket Giveaway!!! Post any FGD pic from prior years to our Facebook Page and be entered in our drawing to win 2 tickets for Friday or Saturday nights concert!

Check out all the fun FGD events going on and don't forget to register for the

Glow Run!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Bring Your Pet To Work Day!

Bring your pet to work day was a huge success!  It was so much fun to see our customers furry...and not so furry friends!  We even had a baby pig!!!



Thursday, May 12, 2016

Helping a family in need!

The Allstate Team had the opportunity to do some yard work for the Revelli Family who's house burned down, and are currently with Kirk in the hospital helping him to recover from severe burns. Kirk is a huge Wyoming fan, so we decorated with brown and gold ribbons and banners.  Hoping for a quick recovery for Kirk and his family.




Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month? While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same.  We have compiled some information for you to help understand breast cancer better.

Facts About Breast Cancer In The United States

  • One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
  • Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.
  • Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women.
  • Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die.
  • Although breast cancer in men is rare, an estimated 2,150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 410 will die each year.

A Global Burden

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each year and affecting countries at all levels of modernization.

Good News About Breast Cancer Trends

In recent years, perhaps coinciding with the decline in prescriptive hormone replacement therapy after menopause, we have seen a gradual reduction in female breast cancer incidence rates among women aged 50 and older. Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1990, in part to better due to screening and early detection, increased awareness, and continually improvingtreatment options.
We hope you found this information helpful! Please plan on scheduling a yearly mammogram to help keep yourself healthy!!  
Sometimes it is hard to think about your health and the possibility that it may change for the worst one day. But the thing is, we never know what curve balls life is going to throw our way. NOW is the time to make sure you have proper life insurance in place to protect your family in the event that your health may in the future decline. Because once your health is bad, getting life insurance is almost impossible. So please call us today so we can get you a quote. It's easy and will only take you  min! 
Casey Kucket Allstate Agency
307-786-2886 * 307-789-1541 * 307-875-7544

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Volunteering in the Community

This week Casey and Bill were able to go and volunteer  at a local charity that was started by a young local high school girl. Evanston Hungry Children Backpack Program is an amazing service to kids in the Evanston community! Each week volunteers pack over 150 bags of food to send home with Elementary kids so they have access to a meal and snacks over the weekend until Monday school week rolls around. All funds for the food are by donations and small grants. The program is a month and a half in the school year and already spent $10k! 

We encourage everyone who needs something to do to please go and volunteer, they appreciate any help they can get. 
You can follow their Facebook page,
Find out when they are in need of volunteers and/or donations. 

We will be drumming up some fundraiser ideas so we can help to give back to our community and support this amazing charity!  

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

ALWAYS check- in with your Agent

We have said it before and we will keep saying it (because it's that important!), it is extremely important to make sure you check-in with your Agent at least once a year for an annual policy review. Don't just take our word for it, here is what an Allstate Agent in Kansas says about the importance of annual reviews. 

"Many homeowners purchase an insurance policy when they first move in, but they may not understand the importance of periodically reviewing it or reassessing their needs. It's an oversight that can ultimately lead to a gap in their coverage. 

For instance, you may have insured your home for $200,000 when you first bought it. A decade later, your home may cost $300,000 to rebuild. That's a $100,000 gap in coverage—which could leave you without the proper resources to rebuild in the event of a loss. 

A home renovation or upgrade is another reason you may want an insurance review. It can help ensure that your home and belongings are fully protected, and that your coverage is keeping up with your current needs. Everything from new furniture to a kitchen upgrade can affect the value of your family's home, and may even qualify you for additional discounts on your insurance policy. 

One way to evaluate your needs is to conduct a home inventory, a detailed catalog of all your possessions. There are tools and even smartphone home inventory apps, like Digital Locker, that can streamline the process."

As Agents, we understand that customers will shop around for "better rates". Some things to keep in mind while you are shopping is to make sure you know your current coverage inside and out. If you have been having your Annual Reviews with your agent you should know the coverage's and discounts that you are currently getting. A better price sometimes mean less coverage, yikes! 

We recommend that you ALWAYS check with your Agent before you start shopping and most defiantly before you switch to another insurance company. More often then not there are discounts that have not been applied to your policy that could save you money so you can stick with your current company. If you have shopped around and you are thinking about changing your company it is ALWAYS recommended that you bring a copy of that quote into your existing Agent so they can review it with you and make sure you are keeping the best coverage possible for your family. 

As Agents, we strive to not only provide you with great insurance coverage and excellent customer service, but we ALWAYS do what is in the best interest of our customers. 

When you find an Agent that you are comfortable with, utilize them! They work for you :)