
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Uinta Valley Plaza Open House

On Sept 26th we hosted the Open House for Uinta Valley Plaza. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day! The sun was shining and the wind was NOT blowing. As we were setting up for the event we were able to watch all of the floats from the Homecoming Parade lining up. We just love our community! Also want to give a BIG shout out to the MV Buffs for winning their Homecoming Game!! Way to go BUFFS!
Thank you so much to our wonderful community for coming down and supporting the local businesses! We had a great turn out!
We also want to give another BIG shout out to Kip Platts and his crew for making this possible by building an amazing building for us!

We stayed busy at the Allstate booth getting people signed up for the $100 drawing!
Congrats to the lucky winner Susan Kendall!
Big Country Properties had a great day and even gave away an IPAD MINI!!
The Lucky Winner!!
We are getting really excited for the opening of Color Me Crazy Salon and Boutique! Loved seeing a preview of all of their fun products.

Color Me Crazy had a lot of winners for their drawings!
The Product Basket: Amber Court
Flat Iron: Keri Woody
A Scalp Treatment by Jessie Hemker: Alyssia Hemker
Brazilian Blowout: Sarah Butters
1 Free Haircut by Jessie Hemker: Rocky Bess
Boutique Bag: Amanda
1 Free Haircut by Jenna Aimone: Makinsy

The High Altitude Divers booth was a hit and they gave away 5 swim shirts.
The Lucky Winners

Keri Crane
Dori Madsen
Davis McPherson
Darrell Chandler
Scott Delinger
High Altitude Divers will be opening in the Spring. Follow their Facebook page to keep up on all of the details.
We had our First Annual Allstate Chalk our Walk event. It was so fun to see so many people come out to draw on our sidewalks. There are so many talented kids and adults in this valley! The winners (listed below) will have their are displayed in our office this year! The hardest part was having to choose between all of the great art.
The Winners: (in no particular order)
We had SOOOO much fun and can't wait for next year!
Here are some more pictures from the event. Enjoy!


What a wonderful community we live in. THANK YOU for all of the support!


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